BitTheSpectrum (“Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies to Boost Literary and Social Emotion Skills in Autism Spectrum Disorder Students”, 2021-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000033091) is a three-year partnership for Vocational Education and Training co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

The consortium involves five different organisations from Germany, Italy, Finland and Spain. BitTheSpectrum aims to match the experience and skills of new technology and ASD experts for increasing the quality of the teaching processes as well as the self-esteem and the social life of ASD people.


1- To increase the quality of the educational and “caregiving” process of staff working with people with ASD

2- To provide innovative and proper tools (AR/VR) to teachers, trainers and other staff members, for reaching the aim 1.

3- Increase the quality of the learning process of people with ASD in terms of Literacy and Social Emotion skills

4- To increase the quality of the VET inclusive education in the countries involved

5- To increase the cooperation among European different entities working in field of inclusive education, and technology development


· 6 Transnational Meetings and 5 Multiplier Events

· Need analysis of professionals dealing with ASD education

· Open online training related to AR and VR features for teachers of ASD students

· Development of methodology to create exercises using AR and VR for students with ASD

· Definition and development of 20 exercises using AR to support ASD students

· Definition and development of 8 exercises using VR to support ASD students

· Study of the impact of the exercises in ASD students


• IO1 – Open online training related to AR and VR features for teachers of ASD students
It will aim to produce an open online course focused on the teachers
of special and VET education together with the ICT consultants.

• IO2 – Human Centred Design methodology to create exercises
using AR and VR for students with ASD
The methodology will have two versions depending on the use of AR
or VR. Some of the stages will be:
1) Quick Guide for all educators to effectively create learning units using modern technologies for learners on the autism spectrum. 
2) Early prototypes (VR/AR)
3) Interviews
4) Evaluations
5) Design of exercises
6) Implementation
7) Bilateral Validation

• IO3 – Set of 20 exercises using AR for students with ASD to boost
literacy and social emotion skills
The exercises will be co-developed according to the methodology for
AR and they can be transferrable to other AR platforms.

• IO4 – Set of 8 exercises using VR for students with ASD to boot social emotion skills
The exercises will be co-developed according to the R2 methodology for VR and based on VR technology including 360-videos and 360-photos

• IO5 – Study of the impact of the exercises in ASD students
It will be implemented within the centers working and studying
people with ASD.


How to use AR/VR for students with SEN

How to use AR/VR for students with SEN

The importance of the educational inclusion of any pupil is now undeniable, however, children with special educational needs (SEN) often lack the opportunity to learn the best and feel included in the educational process.   As reported in an independent study prepared...

The monthly meeting to continue the work on the project

The monthly meeting to continue the work on the project

On 29th of March 2023, the Bit the Spectrum project partners met for the monthly online meeting. They discussed the progress of the methodology developed to create a set of exercises using Virtual and Augmented Reality.  Moreover, they addressed the agenda of...


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